The Black Book Nomad Theatre

The Black Book by The Black Book

The Black Book is a performance based on an book of illustrations called Il Libro Nero (The Black Book). The images of the book are illustrations and short poems created on a traditional image  that there is the existence of a black book as a book of life where all the bad things people do are written down.

    The Black Book as the book of illustrations, describes the physical journey of the characters shifting from place to place, sometimes real, sometimes imaginary. It is a journey in time: the protagonist(s) is (are) lost in time and in the memories of particular events of their life.  Il Libro Nero (The Black Book) is a psychedelic journey of existence through the metamorphosis and the fragmentation of the ego; it is a hymn to Dionysus and to the loss of self. The journey and the events are part of a catharsis and an exorcism. The “events” are visions/revelations lived inside the fragmented existence of the character(s). The protagonist is divided into a child, a woman, an old woman, a man and a doctor who are all part of the same identity.

 The scenographic language of The Black Book doesn’t use text or dialogues, but a series of images and frames that create certain sensations and feelings and a unique narrative that experiment with semiotics, live music, sounds and poetry.

The Black Book dates:
8 March 2008, White Space, Back Hill , London, England

24/25 July 2008, Cochrane Theatre, Southampton Row, London, England

4 October 2008, Cochrane Theatre, Southampton Row, London, England

Heliogabale or The Anarchist Crowned
by The Black Book Nomad Theatre

This piece is inspired by the first chapter of Antonin Artaud 's "Heliogabale or The Anarchist Crowned", The  Sperm Cradle, and by his poetic theatrical vision. This performance is an hybrid between contemporary dance, abstract theatre and  installation.

Heliogabale dates:

7 December 2007, White Space, Central Saint Martin's College of Art, Back Hill, London, England

23 January 2008, Camden's People Theatre, London, England

The Black book